Police sirens break the air
They´re on their way
Riots break out on the streets
Someone´s got to pay
Why has it got to this
Why can´t they realise
Someone´s going to die
 They´re after you
 Boys in blue
 Boys in blue
 Running after you
Police vans screech to halt
Out jump the law
Chasing youths down the street
Beat them with a stick
You resist they hit you more
What can you do
Dragged away into their van
So they can bully you
 They´re after you
 Boys in blue
 Boys in blue
 Running after you
No one´s left on the streets
Its quietened down
The problems still exist
Solutions must be found
Tension in the cities
It´s running high
It´s going to explode soon
You´re all about to die
 They´re after you
 Boys in blue
 Boys in blue
 Running after you
The government´s not interested
They don´t care at all
They think that jailing you
It´s the problem solved
My time in prison i resent them more
Why cant they face the facts
That their policies are wrong